When children are in need of a therapist to help with social or cognitive skills, an option includes a musical therapist. Music therapy has long been proven a quality source for improvement when it comes to communication skills, social improvement and more. Parents who are in search of a music therapist will need to look for certain skills of the individual to ensure the right person is hired to help improve the quality of life for your child. Below are five main factors to consider when hiring a musical therapist.

Find a Team Player

When working with a professional musical therapist, you want to find someone who can be a team player. Therapists should be able to easily consult with other individuals in your child’s life including speech therapists, doctors, etc.

Creativity and Fun

A music therapist must be prepared to be fun and creative as they are working with children. Making up songs and creating fun activities on the spot are a must. Songs and therapies must be able to be changed as needed to meet a child’s learning needs.

Knowledgeable and Adaptability

Even though a music therapist has a degree, they must still be willing to adapt and change as new methods are created. Work with a therapist who is willing to continue their education and research new techniques that can be used to help your child.

Patience and Compassion

It can be quite challenging to work with a child who has autism or special needs. It is important to work with a therapist who has the ability to be patient as well as compassionate. The individual needs to be able to recognize what your child needs and act accordingly to provide quality care and development.

Problem Solving

A musical therapist who works with special needs children needs to have the ability to problem solve. The individual has to be able to think on their feet and make changes as needed based on the child’s behavior.


Source: http://www.mewsicmoves.com/blog/2014/10/8/top-5-qualities-to-look-for-in-a-music-therapist