Although having children is a true blessing, sometimes, things can get hard. You might have noticed that your child has been acting strangely lately. Maybe he seems sad to the point of depression, or maybe he is anxious more often than not. He might also be reacting in a defiant way, breaking rules and going against the system for no apparent reason.

Although your first instinct might be to talk to him to find out what’s going on, he might also be having a hard time getting through to you. You might talk to his teachers or peers and still, get no answers. If he’s a little older, he might be using substances or have suicidal ideas, something that, as a parent, can seem absolutely terrifying. Whatever kind of disorder or strange behavior he might present, what’s most important is to find a way to get through to him and to let him see and understand that you are there for him.

Dr. Albert Knapp & Associates can offer you a kind of therapy that is just right for these kind of situations and behaviors. Play Therapy is a therapeutic intervention with kids, while playing and exploring will be able to express much more than you could ever get out of them with simple words. This kind of therapy is best suited for children between the ages of  3 and 16 and, depending on the child’s age, a different approach is taken.

Play Therapy can be a life changer for the child, but it is also an eye opener for parents, allowing them to understand their child’s needs better and in turn establishing an improvement in relationships. Log into Dr. Albert Knapp & Associates’ web page to find out more about what Play Therapy can do for your family. You can reach them by phone, email below.