There are many children who live with autism and no matter how hard they try, going through it proves to be challenging. Professionals have over the years devised ways and come up with programs that help children and adolescents with autism to open up, socialize and develop social and leadership skills. Boy Scouts of America is a special program that helps children transform into independent and socially healthy individuals. Scouting allows children to hang out together and do things independently which means they have to assimilate with one another’s behavior. When in such a program they are more likely to co-ordinate, ask for help where necessary, and lead one another where necessary, something a child with autism would have found more difficult if he were on his own.   

I was in the Boy Scouts of America and know first-hand how the program is not only fun but provides a sense of unity and belonging.  The comfort that comes from the group allows the children to express their feelings, which is great for a child with autism as it can be hard to connect with others.  

Generally, scouting imparts basic life skills in children and adolescents with autism and even transforms their attitude towards the social challenges they face each day. Scouting is a complete package for children with autism. It is great fun, creates good memories for the kids, helps them develop new life skills and what’s more, they are accorded the opportunity of being part of the larger group. Hence this is a program that any parent helping a child with autism can feel proud and encouraged to have their child be a part. For more information how scouting has helped one family, please read the full article through the link provided below. 

One of the Guys: Scout with Autism Mastering Art of “Hanging Out”