Mental illness is a disease that affects many families throughout the world. Unfortunately,  you may not know the signs right away to tell if something is going on with a loved one or family member. Knowing the five signs that signal mental illness can help you to get the assistance you need in a timely manner. Don’t wait until something tragic happens. Be prepared by learning the signs and understanding the assistance that’s available.


If you start to notice your friend or family member who used to be a ray of sunshine has started showing signs of extreme hopelessness, this could be a sign. If they start having trouble finding anything to be hopeful about, there could be a problem. People who are feeling this way may have the notion that the world would be a better place if they weren’t in it.

Poor Self-care Habits

Have you noticed changes in the behavior of your friend or family member? Are they taking more risks than ever before or just generally don’t seem to care about  themselves? They may begin using alcohol or stop taking care of themselves where it concerns personal hygiene.

Unnecessarily Agitated

When you start to see signs that your loved one is very moody or seems to be agitated for no reason, there could be an underlying mental illness going on. They may start to have trouble controlling their anger or irritability. They may not be able to calm down easily either.

Personality Differences

Pay attention to how your family members or friends are acting. Do you notice changes that are out of character for their morals or beliefs? Perhaps you’ve started noticing that they just don’t seem themselves.

Withdrawal from Others

You may find that your social butterfly friend or family member has suddenly started avoiding social situations or events. Perhaps they do not engage in any social activity and have totally withdrawn themselves from others.

These signs are key to watch out for if you’re concerned for your loved one. They can get the assistance they need and do not have to suffer alone. If you notice the signs in someone you care for, seek out assistance for them and with them. You can help them get through this and get the assistance they deserve to live a full and happy life.