Play therapy is useful for children and adolescents who have suffered from traumatic experiences and/or other mental health disorders. It is a child-centered therapy for children between the ages of three and 16 years old. The way that play therapy works is a play therapist works one-on-one with the child in a playroom. The child is allowed to explore his or her inner feelings in any way they choose to. When it comes to play therapy all types of children can benefit from it. Some children that come to play therapy have come from domestic violence or abusive families. In order for play therapy to work, there has to be support from a parent or caregiver.
Depending upon how difficult the child’s situation is, play therapy lasts between two to 12 months. In order for play therapists to figure out when to end play therapy for good is by keeping track of the child’s progress during each session to see if the child has made any changes. In play therapy, there will be two play therapists there to analyze the child. Each session lasts for an hour. During the session, play therapists let the child know that he or she can play any way they want to as long they don’t hurt themselves, the therapist, or damage the room or toys. Play therapists do not direct the child while in the playroom.
By setting limits on a child’s behavior, it allows him or her know what’s okay and what’s not okay when interacting with others. After a while, children should start to feel more comfortable around their parents or caregiver. The fear that was inside of the child should cease so that he or she will be able to communicate with others freely without worry.
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