When thinking about Christmas and your children, what often comes to mind is what gifts or toys you are going to surprise them with on Christmas morning. And they might have a long list for you or Santa of the specific toys they want, as children often do. However, it might surprise you what the gift of your time can do for your child during the Christmas holidays. Spending time during the Christmas holidays completing crafts, baking, decorating, and other activities can significantly improve your child’s happiness. Here are some simple holiday activities to help make your child’s Christmas just a little more special.


What child doesn’t delight in a beautifully decorated Christmas tree? That is where Santa leaves the presents, right? Help make your child’s Christmas special by allowing them to help you string the lights and hang the ornaments on the tree. Take it an extra step by making home-made ornaments. Each year you decorate your tree you and your child can reminisce on the memories you shared while making the ornaments together.


Baking and cookies are often associated with the Christmas holidays as well. Start a new tradition in your home by baking cookies with your child to leave for Santa. You can allow your child to decorate the cookies any way they want and even leave a note for Santa.

Good Deeds

Your child will always remember helping others, so why not spend some time this Christmas doing something good for someone else? You can volunteer at a shelter, buy toys for a child in need, or bake some cookies for a neighbor.

While these are just a few of the things you can do with your child that center on quality time together, there are many more. The traditions and time you spend together at Christmas will always hold a special place in your child’s heart and they will remember those times more than they will ever remember the toys they received each year.
Source:  https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/joyful-parenting/201612/the-surprising-present-young-kids-want-during-holidays