While in recent years it seems that the severe mental health concerns for children between 6 and 17 have gone down, there’s a startling realization that the mental health of the younger generation is going by the wayside. Expulsions from preschool seems like a far fetched idea, but it happens on a daily basis. Some children are dealing with severe behavior issues and if not handled properly, can have devastating consequences.

How do you care for the mental health of these young children? What are some things that can be done to help make sure these children are not lost or forgotten in the system? Here are a few tips and ideas that should be implemented to help these children get the care and support they deserve.

Educate Parents

Who knows children better than their own parents? It’s important that parents, caregivers and teachers learn to watch out for social and emotional cues when their children are having changes in behavior.

Support Childcare Providers

The only other place that knows the children well, besides home with family, is their childcare center. These teachers are with them on a daily basis. They need to be aware and understand emotional and social development as well for the early childhood years. They can help to be a support for the parents and children when something changes. They can also be one of the first ones to notice the behaviors shifting.

Pediatricians Need Support

Who does a parent turn to when they are having concerns about their child? The pediatrician. They should also be able to turn to them when they have concerns about the mental well being of their child. Supporting pediatricians in having mental health programs to support their patients is a huge step in the right direction.

Early support is critical in making sure that these young children do not slip through the cracks. Starting early with mental health programs can help them lead full and happy lives without the stress and pain mental disorders can impart.