Children who have been diagnosed with autism or special needs can benefit from a number of therapeutic services, including music therapy. Research has been conducted on various musical therapy options for children with special needs, including drumming. It has been proven that drumming or other musical therapy techniques can assist with reducing depression in a child and boost self-esteem. Below are five main benefits as to how musical therapy can assist a child with autism or special needs.

Increase in speech and communication

With musical therapy, your child will be able to reinforce their sound, vocalization and speech skills. Such techniques as drumming can be used to reinforce the creation of words and then move on to full sentences. The child will play the drum while sounding out words and phrases.

Motor Skills/Hand-Eye Coordination

Upper body control, hand-eye coordination and motor skills can all be affected by musical therapy. With drumming, an example would be using mallets to increase motor skills as well as promote grasping, fine motor skills, etc.

Social Skill Development

Taking musical therapy and creating a group setting with children with autism or special needs can assist with building social skills. Children can work in groups of all ages to feel more comfortable, learning to listen, pay attention, take turns, etc, while playing music with other children. Albert Knapp & Associates’ music therapist John Mews can create a successful program for your child to be able to thrive from taking part in musical therapy, in a group setting or single programs.

Improved Self-Esteem

Music therapy is fun and exciting, especially for children. As a child takes part in musical therapy, they will begin to have fun and enjoy physical exercise at the same time. As the child strengthens their skills, self-esteem will improve.

Impulse Control

Regulating emotions can be difficult with a child who has autism or special needs. With musical therapy, a child can be taught how to express their emotions and get out what is bothering them or what they are trying to say.
